Saturday, June 13, 2009

Weekly Challenge #3

This week's challenge is "If you could share a ‘Que for Two with anyone, who would it be? Why?"

I had thought long and hard about it. My first thought would be Jesus. I mean he's got to have some pretty interesting stories huh? Another person I thought of would be any of our former Presidents...again, the stories those guys must have gotta be amazing.

But, after all is said and done, I decided that I would love to share a 'Que for Two with my 8 month old son Zeke. I feel that something like the Legendary 'Que for Two is a tradition that should be passed down from generation to generation. It's sharing dinner time as a family. It's bonding time with a man and his son. Plus he doesn't eat much so that leaves more for me! So I would share my 'Que for Two with Famous Zeke!

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